- 1. IELTS
- 2. Admission Process Letter of Admission
- 3. Tuition Fee
Besides the high-quality education and myriad of limited scholarships, the country offers extensive internship and post-study work opportunities as well. Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) allows students to stay and work in Canada for up to three years after completion of their graduation, giving ample of immigration opportunities.
Canada is known for having some of the lowest university tuition fees among English-speaking countries. Whatever your budget may be, you’ll find something just right for you in our diverse range of education options.
Canadians place great importance on learning and have developed a first- rate education system with high standards. The country spends more on education (as a percentage of GDP) compared to the OECD average, and is the second highest among G-8 countries.
The Canadian Government plays a pro-active role in ensuring that international students who come to Canada for their studies have legal protection. Canada is considered to be one of the safest counties in the world with low crime rate and a high quality of life. Canada has a highly diverse population, resulting in a rich and vibrant cultural scene. You will get to experience a multicultural environment surrounding your classrooms.
Canada provides limitless opportunities and a wide variety of courses with an inbuilt flexibility to choose pathways that serve their long term career goals. University programmes are organised through traditional lectures, combined with workshops, group work, assignments and projects. They guide you to become independent learners.
Working while studying is one of the many reasons Canada has become a favorable study destination for International students.
As an international student, you may work on or off campus up to 20 hours per week during your regular study terms/semester and more during your vacation break. To work in Canada, one requires to get a Social Insurance Number of nine digits. You also need to have work conditions printed on your study permit. If you don’t have work conditions on it, you can ask to add and there’s no fee for the same. A Co-op or program involves working as part of your program of study.
As per IRCC update of October 7, 2022; Limit on off-campus work hours to be lifted temporarily – From November 15, 2022, until December 31, 2023, International students who are in Canada and who have off-campus work authorization on their study permit will not be restricted by the 20-hour-per-week rule.
The post-graduation work program is designed to provide students with Canadian work experience in their field of study. This program allows certain students to work for up to three years after their graduation. One Year Study -> 1 Year
Two-Three Years Study – Upto 3 Years work permit.
After a student graduates, there are three ways to make his dream of settling in canada.
Institution | Type of Institute | Province | Area of Study | Campuses | Website | Average Fees (per year) | |
1 | University of Toronto | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | St. George, Scarborough, Mississauga | utoronto.ca | CAD 6,100 - 15,000 |
2 | York University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Toronto | yorku.ca | CAD 6,000 - 11,000 |
3 | Ryerson University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Business, Engineering | Toronto | ryerson.ca | CAD 7,500 - 12,000 |
4 | University of Ottawa | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Ottawa | uottawa.ca | CAD 6,000 - 10,000 |
5 | Queen's University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Kingston | queensu.ca | CAD 7,000 - 12,000 |
6 | University of Waterloo | University | Ontario | Various including Engineering, Math, Arts | Waterloo | uwaterloo.ca | CAD 7,000 - 12,000 |
7 | Carleton University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Engineering, Business | Ottawa | carleton.ca | CAD 6,000 - 10,000 |
8 | Western University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | London | uwo.ca | CAD 6,500 - 12,000 |
9 | Lakehead University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Thunder Bay, Orillia | lakeheadu.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
10 | Toronto Metropolitan University | University | Ontario | Various including Arts, Business, Engineering | Toronto | torontomu.ca | CAD 7,500 - 12,000 |
11 | University of British Columbia | University | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Vancouver | ubc.ca | CAD 5,600 - 8,500 |
12 | Simon Fraser University | University | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Burnaby, Vancouver | sfu.ca | CAD 5,700 - 8,000 |
13 | University of Victoria | University | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Victoria | uvic.ca | CAD 5,600 - 8,000 |
14 | University of Northern British Columbia | University | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Prince George | unbc.ca | CAD 5,500 - 7,500 |
15 | University of Alberta | University | Alberta | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Edmonton | ualberta.ca | CAD 5,400 - 7,400 |
16 | University of Calgary | University | Alberta | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Calgary | ucalgary.ca | CAD 5,600 - 8,000 |
17 | MacEwan University | University | Alberta | Various including Arts, Business, Health | Edmonton | macewan.ca | CAD 5,000 - 7,000 |
18 | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) | Institute | Alberta | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Edmonton | nait.ca | CAD 7,000 - 9,000 |
19 | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) | Institute | Alberta | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Calgary | sait.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
20 | University of Saskatchewan | University | Saskatchewan | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Saskatoon | usask.ca | CAD 5,800 - 7,500 |
21 | University of Regina | University | Saskatchewan | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Regina | uregina.ca | CAD 5,700 - 7,500 |
22 | University of Manitoba | University | Manitoba | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Winnipeg | umanitoba.ca | CAD 5,600 - 7,500 |
23 | University of Winnipeg | University | Manitoba | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Winnipeg | uwinnipeg.ca | CAD 5,500 - 7,000 |
24 | McGill University | University | Quebec | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Montreal | mcgill.ca | CAD 7,000 - 49,000 |
25 | Université de Montréal | University | Quebec | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Montreal | umontreal.ca | CAD 6,000 - 13,000 |
26 | Université Laval | University | Quebec | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Quebec City | ulaval.ca | CAD 6,000 - 12,000 |
27 | Université du Québec | University | Quebec | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Various locations in Quebec | uquebec.ca | CAD 5,500 - 11,000 |
28 | Dalhousie University | University | Nova Scotia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | Halifax | dal.ca | CAD 6,500 - 13,000 |
29 | Saint Mary's University | University | Nova Scotia | Various including Arts, Business, Science | Halifax | smu.ca | CAD 6,500 - 12,000 |
30 | Acadia University | University | Nova Scotia | Various including Arts, Sciences, Business | Wolfville | acadiau.ca | CAD 6,500 - 12,000 |
31 | Memorial University of Newfoundland | University | Newfoundland and Labrador | Various including Arts, Sciences, Engineering | St. John's | mun.ca | CAD 6,000 - 8,000 |
32 | University of Prince Edward Island | University | Prince Edward Island | Various including Arts, Sciences, Business | Charlottetown | upei.ca | CAD 5,800 - 7,500 |
33 | George Brown College | College | Ontario | Various including Arts, Business, Technology | Toronto | georgebrown.ca | CAD 7,000 - 8,500 |
34 | Humber College | College | Ontario | Various including Business, Arts, Technology | Toronto | humber.ca | CAD 6,000 - 7,500 |
35 | Seneca College | College | Ontario | Various including Business, Arts, Technology | Toronto | senecacollege.ca | CAD 6,000 - 7,500 |
36 | Sheridan College | College | Ontario | Various including Arts, Business, Technology | Oakville, Brampton | sheridancollege.ca | CAD 6,000 - 8,500 |
37 | Fanshawe College | College | Ontario | Various including Business, Arts, Technology | London | fanshawec.ca | CAD 6,000 - 7,500 |
38 | Algonquin College | College | Ontario | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Ottawa | algonquincollege.com | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
39 | Mohawk College | College | Ontario | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Hamilton | mohawkcollege.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,500 |
40 | Conestoga College | College | Ontario | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Kitchener, Cambridge | conestogac.on.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
41 | British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) | Institute | British Columbia | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Burnaby | bcit.ca | CAD 8,000 - 10,000 |
42 | Langara College | College | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Business, Technology | Vancouver | langara.ca | CAD 7,000 - 8,500 |
43 | Vancouver Community College (VCC) | College | British Columbia | Various including Arts, Technology, Health | Vancouver | vcc.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
44 | Saskatchewan Polytechnic | Institute | Saskatchewan | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Regina, Saskatoon | saskpolytech.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
45 | Red River College | College | Manitoba | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Winnipeg | rrc.ca | CAD 6,000 - 7,500 |
46 | Collège LaSalle | College | Quebec | Various including Arts, Design, Hospitality | Montreal | lasallecollege.com | CAD 15,000 - 20,000 |
47 | Dawson College | College | Quebec | Various including Arts, Design, Technology | Montreal | dawsoncollege.qc.ca | CAD 5,500 - 7,500 |
48 | Vanier College | College | Quebec | Various including Arts, Design, Technology | Montreal | vaniercollege.qc.ca | CAD 5,500 - 7,500 |
49 | Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) | College | Nova Scotia | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Various locations | nscc.ca | CAD 6,500 - 8,000 |
50 | College of the North Atlantic | College | Newfoundland and Labrador | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Various locations | cna.nl.ca | CAD 6,000 - 8,000 |
51 | Holland College | College | Prince Edward Island | Various including Technology, Business, Health | Charlottetown | hollandcollege.com | CAD 5,800 - 7,500 |
52 | Toronto Film School | Private College | Ontario | Film, Entertainment, Design | Toronto | torontofilmschool.ca | CAD 16,000 - 20,000 |
53 | Academy of Learning Career College | Private College | Ontario | Various career programs | Various locations | aolcc.ca | CAD 10,000 - 15,000 |
54 | Sprott Shaw College | Private College | Ontario | Business, Healthcare, Community Services | Various locations | sprottshaw.com | CAD 12,000 - 18,000 |
55 | CDI College | Private College | Ontario | Business, Technology, Health | Various locations | cdicollege.ca | CAD 12,000 - 18,000 |
56 | Vancouver Film School | Private College | British Columbia | Film, Animation, Game Design | Vancouver | vfs.edu | CAD 20,000 - 30,000 |
57 | The Art Institute of Vancouver | Private College | British Columbia | Design, Media Arts, Fashion | Vancouver | artinstitutes.edu/vancouver | CAD 15,000 - 20,000 |
58 | LaSalle College Montreal | Private College | Quebec | Fashion, Design, Art, Hospitality | Montreal | lasallecollege.com | CAD 15,000 - 20,000 |
* These fees are approximate and can vary based on specific programs